Hey, did you see this cool article?
Last Samuri was filmed in my homeland I might add. Beautiful New Zealand.
Mr Cruise speaks out about his beliefs, I think this is commendable. He seems to be a very direct person, stating what he thinks and is not afraid to disagree. His personal integrity is admirable.
In this article he discusses the roots of the Scientology religion as descending from Buddhism.
I found it very interesting.
Tom Cruise and Scientology
Passing on news about the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future contest in the UK that appeared in the Herald Express (Torquay)
We are running a contest called 'L Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future' to give new sci-fi writers the chance to make it into the big time as writers. The contest was started in America in 1984 by top sci-fi writer
L. Ron Hubbard , author of the best-selling 'Battlefield Earth' and 'Mission Earth', who wanted to encourage new writing talent and open up opportunities for them to make a career from science-fiction writing. The contest has drawn many entries from all over the world.
Entrants have to submit a story of up to 10,000 words or a tale of short novel length, less than 17,000 words. These entries are judged by a panel of top sci-fi judges such as Algis Budrys, Anne McCaffrey, Larry Niven, Robert Silverberg, Dave Wolverton, Kevin J Anderson, Orson Scott Card, Jerry Pournelle, Tim Powers and Andre Norton.
Each quarter there are cash prizes of £640, £480 and £320 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners and an annual Grand Prize of £2,500. All the 12 yearly winners also get published in an anthology entitled 'L Ron Hubbard presents - Writers of the Future', which is distributed internationally.
In the contests held so far UK authors have done well and seven people from the UK have had their stories published, including Stephen Baxter and Malcolm Twigg from Torquay.
If anyone would like to have a go at becoming a top science-fiction, fantasy or horror author, send a copy of this article, stating the name and date of the newspaper, and a stamped addressed envelope for a free entry form to: L Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future Contest, PO Box 218, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 4GH.
ANDREA GRANT-WEBB Contest Administrator L Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future Contest
More information on the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest
L. Ron Hubbard presents The Writers and Illustrators of the Future
Amazon.com: Books: L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future : The Year's 17 Best Tales from the Writers of the Future International Writing Program
More Writing Events: Writers of the Future Contest
Lit.Org : Contests : Writers of the Future Contest
The Allurium - 1989 Writers of the Future Contest
Ron The Writer: L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of The Future
Writers and Illustrators of the Future Contests