The Fourth of July
Well, here I am in America and its the 4th of July. As someone from the other hemisphere, this doesn't hold a lot of significance for me.
However, I understand and admire the patriotism that the Americans have, most people have a strong love for the country of their birth.
Strong feelings that align to freedom and all it represents. I feel the same way about many things, New Zealand, Australia, getting people off drugs, helping kids have a fair go at an education, religious freedom and alot of things.
Religions around the world have strength in their own unity, as do countries, as do most strong purposed groups and organizations.
Scientologists also have such a group, to protect their rights and ensure the future of their religion.
Again, its easier just to show you the sites that cover the information better than I can:
Membership in Scientology Association
Honor Roll and Other Distinctions
MoreMembership Info